Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I was just thinking that I need to stop buying fashion magazines. It simply makes me want more and more (mainly expensive) things that I do not need. Where is the sense in this? I am not cheap, but spending the $5.99 on a Bazaar only to want 20,000 dollars worth of merchandise does not seem healthy. Am I obsessed or just bored? Now onto the latest Elle...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's been a while! But I'm back. This is a picture from my friend Ann's 23RD birthday. Hard to believe we are that old. Okay, I know it's not OLD old but to us, it seems like we are getting up there. Where does it go?
I remember my sophomore religion teacher playing us the song "Forever Young" by Rod Stewart. Growing up can be fun, I suppose, but there are some things that I wish would remain just that, young for all of time.